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Women and society


Consulta Femminile Milano

Association Councilor
Donne Giuriste

President of the Equal Opportunities and Civil Rights Commission
Milan city council

Zonta International Association

Association YWCA
Unione Cristiana delle Giovani

Association AIDIA

Soroptimist Club
Milano alla Scala

National president ADEI WIZO

Councilor AIDM
Section Milan

President of the Women's Problems Center Association


ADEI WIZO Associazione Donne Ebree d’Italia

Jewish Women of Italy Association, is an association of social promotion federated to the WIZO World, and has been active in the field of social and cultural volunteering for 85 years. It aims to spread the culture and values ​​of Judaism and Zionism, promote the condition of women and support Wizo institutions in Israel.


ADGI Associazione Donne Giuriste Italiane

ADGI, the Association of Women Jurists Italy aims to contribute to the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. On March 21, 2006, the Association of Women Jurists Milan was established in Milan, which recognized its roots in the Fédération Internationale des Femmes des Carrières Juridiques (http://www.fifcj-ifwlc.net/) based in Paris built in 1928 on the initiative of the first Italian and French lawyers. Subsequently, on November 7, 2008, following the accession of other spontaneously formed sections, during a general assembly held in Rome, the same association was formed at national level with the name of Association of Women Jurists Italy accepted in the F.I.F.C.J.


AIDDA Associazione Imprenditrici e Donne Dirigenti di Azienda 

For over 50 years AIDDA has been the point of reference for women with roles of responsibility. AIDDA is the first Italian association created with the specific objective of enhancing and supporting female entrepreneurship, the role of women managers and professionals.Founded in 1961 in Turin, it is the most authoritative point of reference for women who take on roles of responsibility in the Italian economic structure, providing them with excellent tools and services thanks to which they can grow, train and establish themselves as a real added value, both in the professional and in the social context.


AIDIA Associazione Donne Ingegneri e Architetti

AIDIA is a national association founded in 1957 to defend the rights of graduates who worked in the field of engineering and architecture. Today, offering itself as an observatory of the female condition in the technical sector and an instrument of engraving and deepening in the socio-cultural field of our interest.


AIDM Associazione Italiana Donne Medico Sez. Milano

The Italian Women's Medical Association (A.I.D.M.), founded in Salsomaggiore Terme on October 14, 1921, is a non-partisan, non-denominational and non-profit association. It is part of the Medical Women's International Association (MWIA) and shares its emblem (the figure of Igea) and the motto ("Matris animo curant"). The registered office is set at the organizational secretariat in Via Val Passiria, 23 - 00141 Rome.

AIDM is part of the FISM (Federation of Italian Medical Scientific Societies) and is accredited as a standard Provider for ECM training, providing for the quality verification system of the activities carried out.

The Milan Section is based in the Order of Doctors, Surgeons and Dentists, Via Lanzone 31 - 20123 Milan

National website www.donnemedico.org

Website Sec. Milan www.donnemedicomilano.it

Associazione Nazionale Donne elettrici (A.N.D.E.)

The Ande is a political and non-partisan association-organization, born in 1946, which boasts 60 years of civil commitment, history and battles for the electorate. We have a feminine and plural view of problems. We believe in the commitment of women, but we also believe in the commitment of society, which is made up of a female electorate of 52% of the entire electoral body. We are convinced that the Italian ruling class must be strengthened with a vast female component, but we are also aware that, more generally, the ruling class must be trained and strengthened in our country. We are on the side of the voters, in particular those citizens who believe in the need to express a conscious, free, independent, mature vote.


Associazione Tutti Piu’ Educati

“Tutti Più Educati” è un’Associazione Culturale apolitica e apartitica che opera per la sicurezza dei cittadini con progetti di comunicazione per la tolleranza e la buona educazione.
I progetti per diffondere la cultura della Buona Educazione sono mirati alla sicurezza nei diversi ambienti: trasporto pubblico, ospedaliero, scolastico, lavorativo, famigliare, sportivo.
Ogni progetto di Comunicazione per diffondere la CULTURA DELLA BUONA EDUCAZIONE è oggetto di studio da parte di un gruppo sinergico di professionisti di sicuro prestigio nelle diverse discipline. La sua finalità prioritaria è, dunque, una convivenza più serena e più sicura che faciliti la vita quotidiana dei cittadini di ogni età.


CNDI Consiglio Nazionale Donne Italiane

The National Council of Italian Women (CNDI) is a federation of women's and mixed associations committed to improving the social status of women, open to women of all political ideas and all religions. Founded in 1903, it is the Italian branch of the International Council of Women, established in Washington in 1888 on the principle of absolute independence from parties and religious denominations.


CPD Centro Progetti Donna

Knowledge, Awareness and Responsibility Born in the seventies, on the initiative of Gabriella Parca, a journalist, as a meeting place for women, it was established as a "non-profit association" with deed 17.11.1975 of the notary Giuliana Raja: one of the first notary women in Italy.


CIF Centro Italiano Femminile

The Italian Women's Center is a non-profit women's association set up pursuant to articles 36 et seq. of the civil code. It works in the civil, social and cultural fields to contribute to the construction of a solidarity democracy and coexistence based on respect for human rights and the dignity of the person according to the Christian spirit and principles, the Constitution and Italian laws, the rules of Community law and international. It is an independent subject with respect to political parties and any other movement, and assumes the values ​​of democracy in structures and in action. , bodies and associations, both public and private, for the pursuit of associative purposes.


FIDAPA Federazione Donne Arti Professioni e Affari

FIDAPA (Italian Federation of Women, Arts, Professions and Business) is an association made up of 11,500 members in Italy and belongs to the IFBPW (International Federation of Business and Professional Women) Federation. It is divided into 287 Sections distributed throughout the national territory. , grouped in 7 districts. Pursuant to Article 3 of its Statute, FIDAPA is an independent opinion movement; it is not for profit, it pursues its objectives without distinction of ethnicity, language and religion. The Federation aims to promote, coordinate and support the initiatives of women who work in the field of Arts, Professions and Business, independently or in collaboration with other Bodies, Associations and other subjects.


LIONS Madonnina

Enable volunteers to serve their communities, respond to humanitarian needs, promote peace and foster international understanding through Lions clubs.



Soroptimist International is a women's association made up of women with high qualifications in the workplace that operates, through projects, for the promotion of human rights, the advancement of the female condition and the acceptance of diversity.


Unione Femminile Nazionale 

“L’Unione femminile si è costituita per l’elevazione ed istruzione della donna, per la difesa dell’infanzia e della maternità, per dare studi ed opera alle varie istituzioni di utilità sociale, per riunire in una sola sede le Associazioni ed Istituzioni Femminili, con il vantaggio per le socie: a) di avere una Sede decorosa.; b) una Biblioteca in comune; c) una sala di lettura.; d) conferenze, corsi di lezioni, trattenimenti”.


YWCA – UCDG Unione Cristiana delle Giovani

The association is part of the World YWCA (Young Women Christian Association), an international movement based in Geneva and consultative status with some United Nations bodies, which brings together about 25 million women in 125 countries around the world and aims to promote the woman for the purpose of full and equal participation in every field of political, social and economic life.


Zonta International Sant’Ambrogio Milano

Zonta International is a worldwide service organization made up of pre-eminent people in business and professions who work together to improve women's conditions in the world. Zonta International's vision is a world where women's rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to reach her full potential.In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making processes on an equal footing with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence.


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