Laura Caradonna ha ringraziato onorata con queste parole:
" Nel ricevere questo premio ho sottolineato come sia importante in momenti storici così complessi il ruolo delle donne sia nel privato sia nel pubblico. Attraverso le associazioni e le istituzioni si devono mettere a frutto tutte le competenze , tutte le risorse per dare risposte concrete ai problemi gravi che ci toccano tutte come mamme, come donne , come cittadine. Così facciamo nella Consulta femminile Milano con armonia e senza protagonismo. Ognuna fa tutto quello che può".
It was the Community of Sant'Egidio that received the Aidda 2022 award, presented by the Association of Women Business Executives at its annual meeting held today in Rome at the Bernini Hotel.

Ameeting of the delegates of the Milan Women's Council Associationswill be held at Palazzo Isimbardi on Tuesday, May 17.

Women Go Digital
A space offered by the Consulta Femminile of Milan
A platform to meet and share our experience of associations in the digital world. An environment to train, to evolve.
In an era of change, women's associations are ready for the challenge.

Women Go Digital is an ambitious project strongly supported by the associations of the Consulta Interassociativa Femminile (Interassociative Council for Women) of Milan. Its objective is to collect the initiatives of the Consulta and of the associations, orienting them towards the digital & social transformation as a lever for the valorization of women and of the skills that women bring to businesses, professions and society.

Support the project
Only when an experience is shared does it become fertile ground for the realization of "best practices".Thanks to your contributions, we will create online training courses to enable the digitalization of women

Women Go Digital promotes, supports and rewards projects for the dissemination of digital and technological tools for women.

Women Go Digital is a project in progress: let's build it together in this section. Every month you will find in this section a debate
