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June 4 at 14.00online event organized within the W20 by FEMTEC - World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy, which will be attended by AIDDA VTAA member Ida Poletto.Program in attachment.Link to participate

June 11 and 12, 2021- Scheggino (PG) - second event organized by AIDDA, Host Organization Women20 Italia 2021, with the collaboration of the Italian W20 Delegation. The theme is Regeneratinglife: let's start from the villages, models of sustainable well-being. The conference inpresence is reserved to AIDDA members, it will be possible to follow it also on line.Download the complete program

AIDDA MEETINGSJune 7 at 6 p.m. AppointmentIndustry Tablededicated to Cybersecurity.Link to join the meeting on Zoom

June 17 at 6pm start marking your calendar for our Delegation meeting. We will send you the details soon
CONGRATULATIONS TO...Marina Verderajme has been elected presidentof G.I.D.P./H.R.D.A. Gruppo Intersettoriale Direttori del Personale. Wishing her well in her work, we share the interview she gave the day after her appointment.Click here to read the article
CONGRATULATIONS TO ...To GaetanaMariani, president and general manager of Villa Santa Maria multi-service center of Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence based in Tavernerio (Co), we report a publication on the theme of autism, made by the team of the institution in collaboration with high-level centers.Click here to download the complete article
A THOUGHT FOR ....Last week two historical members of AIDDA Lombardia, RosannaBianchi Sartirana, Paola's mother, and Lucia Ercolessi, left us. Both of them havelived intense years with our association and have always been very present in all the initiatives. We remember them with great affection and we embrace their families in this painful moment.

We share the photos taken by our dear Silvia Marini. In the first one Lucia Ercolessi and Silvia at the inauguration of the Ercolessi store in Corso Magenta in 1992,



In the second, Rosanna Bianchi Sartirana with her husband and Glauca Korner de Salvo at an AIDDA dinner.

Health promotion in the workplace - 2nd pillFortheregular appointment with the initiatives of the Health Protection Agency of Milan Metropolitan City we share the second information pill dedicated to Gender Medicine, the science that studies the influence and treatment of diseases based on anatomical, biological, functional (defined by sex), psycho-social and cultural differences of an individual (defined by gender).Read the complete document


There are numerous initiatives put in place by the Lombardy Region tocombat gambling and support those who suffer from ludopathy.We too can make our contribution, involving workers and workersin the initiative #giochiamoinsiemeand divulgingaddresses of free listening pointsthose who are victims of gambling can inform themselves.

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